Body Temperature and Insulin Linked?

body temperature and insulin linkedBody Temperature and Insulin Linked: Diabetes is becoming a very powerful disease. It has taken over the bodies of 23 million people in the U.S. and 171 million people globally. It is also expected to overtake the bodies of one million more people just by the end of this year. While many great advances have been made when it comes to diabetes, no cure has been found, though scientists and researchers are very hopeful that they will. However, there is always something new popping up in science and research that helps link one experiment to another and the next advance might be the link needed.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is caused by the lack insulin in one’s body. There are several types of diabetes such as Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and gestational (pregnancy) diabetes. Insulin comes from pancreas cells which can sometimes produce less secretion than the body needs, as a result, glucose levels are raised, which in turn causes different disorders like neuropathy, retinopathy, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and erectile dysfunction over time. Diabetes can lead to amputation, coma and death if not treated correctly.

Insulin is important for the body to function correctly. It is a hormone that is important in regulating fat metabolism, carbohydrates and maintains normal blood sugar levels in the body. Insulin causes muscle, fat and liver tissue to take glucose from the blood and store it as a glycogen in the muscle and the liver. Without insulin, glucose cannot be taken by the body cells. Therefore, the body starts to use fat as its energy source, making individuals feel tired and their body begins to act differently.

In Japan, at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Professor Makoto Tominaga and Dr. Kunitoshi Uchida believe they have found a connection between core body temperature and insulin secretion. They believe that the TRPM2 ion channel in pancreatic beta-cells is a very important factor in the insulin secretion stimulated by glucose and gastrointestinal hormone that is secreted after food is consumed.

Insulin has been researched since it was first discovered in the 1920’s. In 2009, insulin was found to be linked with temperature regulation by a team led scientists at The Scripps Research Institute. Scientists were able to inject mice with insulin and watch as their core body temperature rose, their metabolism increase and fatty tissue released heat. The more insulin that was injected, the higher the metabolism increased.

Within the body, the TRPM2, also known as Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel, is a temperature-sensitive Ca2+- permeable channel, a protein found in humans that can be found in pancreatic beta-cells. When this theory was tested on mice, both the professor and doctor found that the TRPM2-deficient mice were showing higher levels of glucose levels with reduced insulin secretion over that of uninhabited mice. TRPM2-defienct pancreatic beta-cells also showed smaller intracellular Ca2+ increase and a reduction of insulin secretion motivated by glucose and incretin.

Professor Makoto Tominaga and Dr. Kunitoshi Uchida reported that, “TRPM2 may control insulin secretion levels mainly by modulating intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Finding the substance which stimulates TRPM2 effectively could lead to the development of a new therapy for diabetes mellitus.”

They believe that if the body temperature can be controlled, than perhaps the insulin can as well, which will produce a cure for diabetes and help many people in the world.

Dairy Products: Lowering the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Dairy Products Lowering the Risk of Type 2 DiabetesDairy Products – Lowering the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes is a growing risk around the world. There are more than 23 million women, men and children in American who have been diagnosed and sadly another million will be diagnosed by the end of this year. Many people are learning to control their diabetes through exercise and diet, while other people struggle throughout their whole life. Thanks to research and steady studies, there are more cures on the way every year and this bit of information might just be the small relief, we’ve all be waiting for.

Scientists and other colleagues from various institutions of Harvard have found that trans-palmitoleic acid (fatty acid), a compound found in dairy products like butter, cheese, milk and yogurt could lower the risk of type 2 diabetes considerably. Palmitoleic acid is produced in small amounts by the body, though for a person to consume trans-palmatileic acid, a dairy diet is needed. Health professionals in the past have advised against the diet of dairy foods, though now it is suggested to do just the opposite.

Investigators led by Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard, Dariush Mozaffarian and Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, a Professor of Genetics and Metabolism at Harvard found that trans-palmitoleic acid may justify the epidemiological evidence from recent years, that dairy foods can be lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. The study also showed that individuals with higher fatty acid levels in their blood could lessen the chance of diabetes 62 percent over those who showed lower levels.

However, trans-palmitoleic acid is helpful in many other ways as well. Studies showed that over 3,700 applicants that in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-funded Cardiovascular Health Study showed that those who had higher circulating levels of trans-palmitoleic also showed lower levels of cholesterol, insulin levels and other risk factors that typically lead to diabetes.

Typically, trans-palmitoleic acid can be found in vegetable oils, but these oils are advised against since they can lead to more heart issues along with heart disease. It is highly advised to diet with the trans-palmitoleic acid that comes from both dairy and meat products, which show to have a lower risk on the heart.

Whole milk is the best place to find trans-palmitoleic acid, it has more than two percent, one percent and skim milk does. Although, low fat dairy foods are suggested by both doctors and other professionals, dairy foods themselves can be very high in fat which tends to lead to other health concerns. Along with a low fat dairy diet, low sugar and salt portions are recommended, along with an increase in fruit and vegetables. It is not recommended for individuals with diabetes to increase their intake of just one food and relinquish others to prevent their risk of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is a powerful disease that is hurting many people, but with new advances in both science and technology, researchers are positive that a cure will be found.

Testicular Tissue Producing Insulin: A Cure?

Testicular Tissue Producing Insulin - A CureTesticular Tissue Producing Insulin – A Cure: Studies show that men who have type 1 diabetes might be able to grow their own insulin-producing cells from their testicular tissue. This new discovery comes from researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center.

There are more than 23 million people in the United States alone, who have been diagnosed with diabetes. That 23 million includes women, men, and children. On a yearly basis, another million will be diagnosed with diabetes as well. It is growing epidemic and many people who do not have a family history of diabetes are being diagnosed with it as well. Both laboratory and animal studies are held every day in hopes of finding a new cure for diabetes and sometimes there are great advances.

The newest advance comes from the researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center where researchers have proven through studies that human spermatogonial stem cells also known as SSC’s, which are extracted from testicular tissue, can alter into insulin-producing beta islet cells, which are normally found in the pancreas. The researchers, who discovered this, say that this study has been accomplished without the use of extra genes, which are used by most labs today to turn adult stem cells into a tissue of choice.

Through years of study, there have been some great discoveries made in the world of health science and diabetes. Even mice have been cured of their diabetes through the use of induced pluripotent stem cells also known as IPS cells, but some of these studies have also had their drawbacks as well. Through certain studies, islet cells have been transplanted from deceased donors, but soon rejections and a lack of deceased donation became an issue, leading to an unsuccessful study. Adult stem cells have also been re-programmed with other genes so that they behave just like embryonic stem cells, however this study led to transfected tissue, teratomas and tumors.

Researchers quickly turned to SSC’s rather than ISP’s for their research. SSC’s already have the source that is needed in stem cells; therefore they need no further coaxing that could lead to future health issues. Dr. Ian Gallicano, an associate professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Director of the Transgenic Core Facility at Georgetown University stated in a meeting, “We found that once you take these cells out of the testes niche, they get confused, and will form all three germ layers within several weeks. These are true, pluripotent stem cells.”

This is how it works:

One gram of tissue is extracted from the human testicle, from this one million stem cells were produced, which showed many biological indicators that illustrated normal beta islet cells. These cells were transplanted back into the immune deficient diabetic mice. A week later, there was a decrease in glucose levels.

The results lasted only a week, but through extensive studies, researchers believe that they are on the right track to producing a cure for type 1 diabetes.

The lead investigator, Gallicano also stated in his meeting, “No stem cells, adult or embryonic, have been induced to secrete enough insulin yet to cure diabetes in humans, but we know SSCs have the potential to do what we want them to do, and we know how to improve their yield.”

Depression And Diabetes: Symptoms

Depression And Diabetes - SymptomsDepression And Diabetes – Symptoms: The connection between diabetes and depression hands out scary statistics, especially for women. The statistics do not show that every person who obtains diabetes in their lifetime develops depression as well, but it is a huge possibility. Studies have proven that women who have diabetes are 29 percent more likely to develop depression than women who do not have diabetes and for those patients who use insulin to control diabetes are 53 percent more likely to develop depression.

What causes depression in diabetes to occur? Many believe the cause of depression is due to lack of diabetic management while others believe that daily stress of managing diabetes can lead to depression.

Lack of Diabetic Management– A person with diabetes has a lot of things to do during the day to take care of themselves so that diabetes does not control their life. If diabetes is not managed properly than diabetic symptoms can mask themselves as depression symptoms, making you feel very sad and unlike yourself.

Daily Stress of Diabetes Management– People who have diabetes realizes the daily stress as they are the ones who have to draw blood several times during the day and take their blood sugar. This can interfere with daily life, especially when trying to enjoy events with friends and family members. If a person has to stop the whole event just to take their blood sugar, they began to feel almost like a burden. It can cause a certain amount of stress, which in turn can cause depression.

The most important thing to do when you believe depression or diabetes can be a health issue in your life is to talk to your doctor. However, you should know both symptoms so that you can tell your doctor exactly what you  have been feeling.

Depression Symptoms

  • Sadness that lasts past two weeks and does not get better
  • Irregular feelings of guilt or hopelessness
  • Thoughts or attempts of suicide, a want to end your life
  • Muscle pains on a daily basis
  • Overeating or Under-eating

Diabetes Symptoms

  • Numbness or tingling in your legs, arms, toes or fingers
  • Pain in your hands or feet
  • Seeing black spots
  • A dizzy feeling, that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • Increased thirst

Diabetes can be hard to manage, but even harder when depression enters the picture. If you have diabetes and find yourself feeling a bit sad, talk with your doctor. They may be able to prescribe an anti-depressant that will help you feel better. When you have diabetes the best thing you can do to help stay away from depression is to manage your diabetes very well. Take your insulin, take your daily blood sugar tests, eat healthy, get in a bit of exercise and remember to talk to your doctor about any changes you are feeling.

Blood Testing Strip Recall – Abbott Diabetes

Blood Testing Strip Recall - Abbott DiabetesBlood Testing Strip Recall – Abbott Diabetes: For questions, please contact Abbott Diabetes Care at the following:

English: 800-448-5234
Español: 800-709-7010

Update: Abbott Diabetes Care Announces Recall of Certain Lots of Precision Xtra®, Precision Xceed Pro®, MediSense® Optium™, Optium™, OptiumEZ and ReliOn® Ultima Blood Glucose Test Strips in the United States and Puerto Rico

* No other Abbott Diabetes Care products are affected
* More information is available at:

ALAMEDA, Calif. Dec. 23, 2010 — Abbott Diabetes Care today announced that it has initiated a recall of 359 lots (approximately 359 million strips) of Precision Xtra®, Precision Xceed Pro®, MediSense® Optium™, Optium™, OptiumEZ and ReliOn® Ultima Blood Glucose Test Strips in the United States and Puerto Rico.

The test strips are used with Abbott’s Precision Xtra, Precision Xceed Pro, MediSense Optium, Optium and OptiumEZ blood glucose monitoring systems. ReliOn Ultima test strips are used with the ReliOn Ultima blood glucose monitoring system. The blood glucose monitors are not being recalled and customers can continue to use the blood glucose monitors.

The affected test strips may give falsely low blood glucose results, which can lead users to try to raise their blood glucose when it is unnecessary and to fail to treat elevated blood glucose due to a falsely low reading. The problem appears to be related to longer than expected blood fill times. This may be dependent on the age of the strips and if the strips have been stored in (or exposed to) higher temperatures (above 72°F and not to exceed 86°F) for an extended period of time.

Customers who have test strips from these affected lots should discontinue use of the product. Abbott Diabetes Care will replace affected test strips at no charge. Abbott Diabetes Care initiated this recall following a routine internal quality review that indicated certain lots of Precision Xtra, Precision Xceed Pro, MediSense Optium, Optium, OptiumEZ and ReliOn Ultima blood glucose test strips may experience longer than normal blood fill times which may cause falsely low blood glucose readings.

Customers are advised to contact their health care provider to determine testing options if they do not have any unaffected test strips to use.

However, if consumers must use affected test strips while in the process of obtaining new strips, they should:

1. Check the amount of time it takes for their blood glucose meter to start the “countdown” after they first apply blood to the test strip. They should start timing immediately after blood first makes contact with the test strip. If the meter takes longer than five seconds to start the countdown, that test strip is affected and the result should not be used. Users should check the time for each test strip they use because all of the strips in a package may not be affected to the same degree. If any reading appears lower than they would expect or does not seem to correlate with the way they are feeling, the user should contact their health care provider immediately.
2. If they do not immediately have access to unaffected strips and are unable to test their blood sugar, users need to be aware of symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
* Symptoms of high blood sugar include excessive thirst, excessive urination, blurred vision, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. If a user is experiencing any of these symptoms or is not feeling well, they should contact their health care professional immediately.
* Symptoms of low blood sugar may include trembling, excessive sweating, weakness, hunger, confusion, and headache. Some individuals may have no symptoms at all before they develop unconsciousness or seizures. It is important to treat low blood sugars promptly to avoid loss of consciousness or a seizure. If a user is unable to obtain unaffected strips, they should contact their health care provider for advice on how to treat these symptoms before they occur.

The recommendation is that hospitals and user facilities stop using the recalled test strips and follow the steps below:

1. Use test strips from unaffected lots.
2. If the health care facility does not have any test strips from unaffected lots but has an alternative point-of-care blood glucose testing system, begin using the alternative system until new, unaffected test strips can be obtained.
3. If the health care facility does not have any test strips from unaffected lots or immediate access to an alternative point-of-care blood glucose testing system, health care providers should take the following steps:
* Verify any critical glucose test results (e.g., test results that may be used to adjust insulin therapy in vulnerable patient populations) generated on the Precision Xceed Pro Blood Glucose Monitoring System using a central laboratory blood glucose method. Clinical judgment should be applied when deciding whether to act on results prior to verification.
* Verify any Precision Xceed Pro Blood Glucose Monitoring System results that do not match a patient’s symptoms, or seem unexpected for the patient’s clinical status, using a central laboratory blood glucose method.
* Monitor the amount of time it takes for the Precision Xceed Pro Blood Glucose Meter to start the “countdown” after blood is first applied to the test strip. If the amount of time exceeds five (5) seconds, discard that test strip immediately because the blood glucose result may be erroneously low. In addition, if this occurs:

o Note the specific lot number of that test strip;
o Notify Abbott Diabetes Care to report the observed problem with that lot by calling 1-877-529-7185;
o Make sure to check fill time on each individual strip during use and do not assume if one strip in a package/lot appears to be unaffected, that all strips in that package/lot are unaffected.

Customers can check if they have test strips from the affected lots by visiting and looking up their product lot number.

Precision Xtra, Precision Xceed Pro, MediSense Optium, Optium, OptiumEZ and ReliOn Ultima customers can also get information by calling Abbott Diabetes Care customer service at 1-800-448-5234 (English) and 1-800-709-7010 (Español).

The website and customer service phone numbers listed above will also provide customers with information about returning affected test strips.

Unaffected Precision Xtra, Precision Xceed Pro, MediSense Optium, Optium, OptiumEZ and ReliOn Ultima Blood Glucose Test Strip lots may be used by customers to test their blood glucose as directed by their health care providers.

Abbott Diabetes Care has reported this situation to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is working to make the necessary corrective actions to prevent this situation from recurring.

Medicare Advantage Plan

Medicare Advantage Plan: When you are looking into Medicare for either diabetic supplies or any other type of health issue that requires monthly prescriptions you must know some things about it. First, you should recognize that there are so many parts of Medicare plans to choose from and while Part A and Part B are covered under the Original Medicare Plan, many people are looking further into other plans such as Medicare Advantage.

Medicare Advantage is a plan that allows for private health insurance plans inside the Medicare program to be chosen instead of standard Medicare plans such as Plan A and Plan B. Members will receive their health care needs from a private plan while Medicare pays a certain amount of money monthly. It does not matter if the member actually uses health care services that month or not.

With Medicare Advantage members are supplied with lower co-payment costs as well as extra benefits. However, just like with members who are on the Original Plans A and B, members must use doctors and hospitals that are located on the plan roster.

You do not have to do anything special or pay extra or have any special concerns to be part of Medicare Advantage, you just have to sign up for that particular plan. If you are eligible for Medicare Parts A and B than you are eligible for Medicare Advantage, as long as the pre-member lives in a area that is available for Medicare Advantage.  There are certain areas that do not have Medicare Advantage although the issue is currently being worked on to supply the plan to rural areas without it.

When it comes to the Medicare Advantage program, there are different ways that the program itself works. For instance, some private insurance plans will pay a certain amount of your Medicare A and B plans would. Others will pay the whole premium. Nearly all private insurance programs will cover drug prescriptions and many other benefits that are not covered on the Medicare Plan A and B.

Even if you chose Medicare Plan A or B in the beginning of choosing Medicare as your health provider, you can still switch Medicare Advantage as soon as you want to. Medicare Advantage is more helpful than other plans but can have unnecessary benefits if you are looking for something much simpler.

Check into the Medicare Advantage plan and remember that health care is always changing therefore the best thing that you can do is to keep yourself updated about Medicare changes and the best way to do that is by looking up updates online.

Can Cell Switching Help Diabetes?

Can Cell Switching Help DiabetesCan Cell Switching Help Diabetes: Diabetes is a very tough health issue that millions of people around the world deal with every single day. Those who have diabetes know how disconcerting it is to have to stop mid-day and do a blood test. Diabetes takes a lot out of a person and when it is not treated; there are so many wrong things that can happen in the future from toe amputations to blindness.

Look for the signs when it comes to diabetes because diabetes is a disease that can sneak up on us all. Here are some strong symptoms to look for:

  • Numbness or tingling in your legs, arms, toes or fingers
  • Pain in your hands or feet
  • Seeing black spots
  • A dizzy feeling, that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • Increased thirst

Based off records from the American Diabetes Association, “23.6 million children and adults in the United States, or 7.8% of the population have diabetes. An estimated 17.9 million have been diagnosed with diabetes and more than 5.7 million people do not even realize that they have diabetes.

It is important no matter what promises or theories come into view that you make sure you continue to manage your diabetes. It is great that there are always medical advancements happening but there is no time frame to any of the new theories in medical advancements.

Due the ever-changing results in medical advancements and research there is always something changing that helps give hope to those suffering from different illnesses. Now, scientists are reporting about early success in altering one kind of particular cell into another, which many help patients heal in the future.

For example, if a person were to have a heart attack that damages the muscle tissue around the heart than some day in the future, doctors might be able to take other cells and make them become muscle tissue to help the heart pump.

This is all futuristic and nothing is promised but theory is more than just an idea. Many people believe that this is the very first step in stem-cell biology. It is pretty much fast-forwarding cell growth, which originally happens with injury healing.

Stem cell research is helping in so many areas and so many illnesses are finding new cures that one day, even cancer might have a cure.

Switching cells looks very prominent for the future and may give so many people much needed relief from everyday stress and wear/tear on their bodies due to diabetes and other illnesses.

Bayer Contour USB Glucose Meter

Bayer Contour USB Glucose MeterBayer Contour USB Glucose Meter: Throughout history, diabetes management has been a difficult process, mainly due to the monitors that record blood glucose results. Through time products have obtained a higher status and even made testing easier and less painful than before.  However, it was not until Bayer’s revolutionary portable blood glucose monitor showed up in the medical market that things really began to change. 

That was nearly forty years ago that Bayer’s first portable blood glucose monitor hit the medical market. With every year, due to technical advances, medical machinery gets better and better. Thanks to Bayer, the future of healthy, fast and effective diabetes management is easier than ever due to the new Contour USB Meter.

In today’s world, nearly everything can be completed on the computer. Due to the internet, much more can be done such paying your bills, doing some Christmas shopping and even in some areas do some grocery shopping. Now, with the Contour USB Meter, you can also keep your diabetes tests on your computer with simple and easy technology that comes with your monitor.

The new Contour USB Meter has a plug and play feature which makes connecting to your computer fast and easy, even for those who are not quite as computer savvy as others. Easy GlucoFacts Deluxe Software makes the install simple and fast as well.

With the new Contour USB Meter, you can keep up with your diabetes management by setting up a reminder for yourself. In today’s world, it is easy to get lost in the fast paced rush of work, school and others events that keep us all busy. With the Contour USB Meter, you’ll get a reminder to let you know when it is time to test and thanks to the 2,000 storage capacity unit, you will always have your results handy.

When you have more time available, make sure you use the insights that will help your doctor to understand how you were feeling when you took your blood sugar. You can mark your test results as “sick” or “stress”, you can add whatever you would like to describe the way you are feeling at the moment.

The new Contour USB meter is a great adaptable, small portable blood sugar monitor that is perfect for the on-the-go lifestyle.

Therapeutic Shoes: Preventing Foot Disease

Therapeutic Shoes - Preventing Foot DiseaseThere are over 24 million Americans who have been diagnosed with diabetes and more than 25 percent of them will develop some sort of foot complications that may need to be amputated. Annually, 38,000 elderly individuals loose a lower appendage due to complications that derive from diabetes. This is why it has become important for anyone who has been diagnosed with diabetes to own a pair of therapeutic shoes. Therapeutic shoes can be expensive, no doubt, but if you have Medicare, then you could save a lot of money when you buy a pair.

Medicare Part B covers therapeutic shoes as long as your doctor prescribes them. Here are some issues that doctor’s look for when it comes to assessing your feet for the need of therapeutic shoes.

  • You must have diabetes type 2
  • You must have one of the conditions listed below
  • Calluses that could lead to foot ulcers
  • Partial or complete foot amputation
  • A history of foot ulcers
  • Nerve damage caused by diabetes
  • Deformation of the foot
  • You must be diagnosed with diabetes and are being treated under a diabetes care plan that states you need therapeutic shoes or inserts.
  • Medicare also requires that a orthotist, pedorthist or prosthetist fit and provide the needed therapeutic shoes

Therapeutic Shoes and Inserts Offered by Medicare
There are certain types of shoes and inserts, which are covered by Medicare.

  • One pair of depth-inlay shoes/ three pairs of inserts
  • One pair of custom-molded shows/ inserts
  • If wearing depth-inlay shoes due a deformity of the foot, than two you will receive two additional pairs of inserts.
  • On certain occasions that call for it, Medicare will offer to cover inserts or show mortifications instead of inserts.

There are ways that individuals who have diabetes can prevent the need for later amputation and one of those ways is by wearing the proper shoes. However, there are so many others ways that one can take care of their feet and it all starts with knowing exactly how. Here are some ways to protect your feet:

  • Wear therapeutic shoes
  • Diabetic shoes are made to provide comfort, enhance protection and help deflect injury.
  • Wear socks
  • Most people do not like to wear socks. However, socks can act as a buffer to stop scratches and scrapes that could ultimately lead to something bigger.
  • Follow your exercise and diet closely.
  • Skimping here and there is not good. So keep up the hard work to achieve great rewards.
  • Select some time throughout the day to inspect your feet.
  • Look for blisters, swelling, cuts and red spots. Make sure you check really well in between your toes. If you find an ingrown toenail, you should contact your doctor to find the best solution for removal.
  • Tell your doctor if something changes.
  • Your doctor should know the ends and outs of your foot. If it changes color, or feels unlike your foot or changes shapes than your doctor needs to know.
  • You should go for a yearly check-up, just for your feet.
  • Even if your feet feel great, you should still go for a yearly check-up. It is important to make sure you are not missing anything.
  • Your feet should be washed daily, patted dry and rubbed down with a mild lotion.
  • Do not put lotion in between your toes.
  • Keep your toenails trimmed and filed to prevent issues with toenails or scratching in the middle of the night.
  • Keep your shoes on; it is important that you never walk around barefooted.
  • If you just cannot stand to wear shoes, than slide into some socks. Nevertheless, never go barefooted.

These are all important tips to keep in mind when it comes to your feet. You are their protector and you can be a huge part of keeping them safe and from a harmful future. Take care of your feet.

Medicare Covered Diabetic Supplies

Medicare Covered Diabetic SuppliesThrough Medicare, many different kinds of diabetic supplies can be acquired and the cost to your pocket is substantially less than what you would pay outright for it, had you not had Medicare. Medicare will cover the cost of diabetic supplies as long as you have diabetes, you will have to produce a blood test in order to get things rolling, but once you have Medicare you will be able to obtain your supplies as long as your doctor prescribes your need for them.

Here are some things to keep in mind when applying for Medicare help for diabetic supplies:

  • Receiving Medicare through a Medicare Advantage Plan like HMO or PPO will have you follow a different method in order to obtain your supplies but once you have received all the paperwork from your plan, you will know exactly what you need to do.
  • For other Medicare plans, your doctor is the only person who can prescribe diabetic supplies for you. Ordering without a doctor’s prescription is a waste of time.
  • Your doctor not only has to write a prescription, they must also document a need for it through medical records and give you the prescription as well.
  • Once this has been completed, the supplier must receive that prescription before Medicare is billed.

List of Supplies Covered by Medicare:

Medicare Part B helps to cover many different supplies needed for diabetic patients rather they need insulin or not. However, for those who do use insulin the amount of diabetic supplies an individual has covered varies. Some individuals who use insulin could obtain 100 test strips and lancets monthly and one lancet device every six months. Others who do not use insulin may be able to obtain 100 test strips and lancets every three months and one lancet device every six months.

Insulin and Insulin Pumps
Medicare Part B will not cover insulin if it is not used with insulin pump; however, injected insulin is covered by Medicare Part D and can be supplied through that plan. All insulin and needed supplies such as needles, syringes, and gauze and alcohol swabs will be supplied. External insulin pumps including the needed insulin can be covered through Medicare Part B, as long as it is prescribed by your doctor. Typically, Medicare will pay 80 percent of the cost of the insulin pump itself.

Therapeutic Shoes
Foot disease is a growing problem with those who suffer from diabetes, especially for elderly people. That is why therapeutic shoes are so important and since they are covered on Medicare, there is no reason why no one who is suffering from diabetes cannot own a pair to keep future foot problems away. Medicare will not only cover the therapeutic shoes, they will also cover one pair a year and three pairs of inserts for them.

You know that Medicare will cover your diabetic supplies, but you should also know just how much they would pay. The amount that Medicare will pay depends on the type of coverage you have and where you are buying your supplies at, first you must realize that there is a yearly deductible, which must first be paid before Medicare will cover the cost of diabetic supplies. Once that is paid, you will then pay 20 percent of the approved diabetic supplies. The cost is cut down a certain amount if you choose to go with a diabetic supplier. However, if you received your Medicare through a Medicare Advantage Health Plan such as HMO or PPO, than you may end up pay a very small amount of even nothing at all for your diabetic supplies.

Your supplies are affordable but you should always do a little research when it comes to Medicare, new bills are always being passed on what Medicare will or will not cover and the more you know the better off you will be as a Medicare carrier.