is an American Icon. He was born in 1905 from Huston, Texas. Various books and stories have been written of the famous Hughes. He was an aviator, producer, director and still to this day, one of the wealthiest people in the world. Hughes is credited for building aircrafts, racers and increasing in productivity of Trans World Airlines. He has been in the spot light for over 80 years and he is still being talked about. Hughes has had several controversial issues in his life. However, most spoken and written words were assumed just to be rumors. In 1952, Hughes used his increasing wealth to create the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Howard Hughes died in 1976 of kidney failure. He was 71 years old.
Howard Hughes
Throughout Hughes life he has had several medical problems. As a child, he developed a social anxiety disorder which made certain situations unbearable. He has also had various instances where the OCD disorder controlled his life. Hughes fell into a mental state of withdrawal. He was hardly seen and would lock himself up in his home for days at a time. While much has been written about Howard Hughes compulsive disorder, Hughes’ diabetes has received much less attention. A review of his life presents no evidence of a need to slow down, due to problems with diabetes.