Whey Protein Shows Positive Results For Obesity

Whey Protein Shows Positive Results For Obesity
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With the accessibility of fast food in today’s fast paced world, it is no surprise why so many people are finding themselves obese. In fact, there are more people overweight today than there were just ten years ago. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) more than one-third of U.S. adults are obese.

Weight loss plants and diets are abundant as people scale stores and websites to find the newest trends but perhaps the answer is already right underneath their nose. Whey protein, which is found in both cheese and milk is appearing beneficial to people who are obese and have not been diagnosed with diabetes yet.

This finding was presented after a study was implemented using different proteins to find out how each one affects metabolism. The study, created and implemented by Lars O. Dragsted, Kjeld Hermansen and colleagues found that obesity is a global health issue. Just in the United States, obesity affects 35 percent of adults and about 17 percent of children. Obesity itself, can lead to many other health problems such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. This, in turn can lead to other health problems like blindness, stroke or even a heart attack.

Whey protein can lower the amount of fat and increase insulin so that the glucose clears from the blood, allowing blood sugar levels to stay stable, rather than increasing after eating a meal. To find out why whey protein achieves, the researchers delved deeper into their study.

The study’s non-diabetic, obese participants were given a meal of bread and soup, plus one type of protein: whey, gluten, casein or cod. The study found that the participants who were given whey processed their food slower and has lower levels of fatty acids in their blood after eating. They also have higher amounts of the amino acids that boost insulin levels, which helps to fight against glucose in the blood.

Author: Staff Writers

Content published on Diabetic Live is produced by our staff writers and edited/published by Christopher Berry. Christopher is a type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed in 1977 at the age of 3.

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