Lack of Sleep in Teens Proving Insulin Resistance

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There is a new study that shows that something as natural as sleep could be the beginning of a great improvement for insulin resistance and even used as a prevention method for the future onset of diabetes.

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Lack of Sleep in Teens Proving Insulin ResistanceDiabetes is a common problem all around the world and while many studies have shown great strides in helping to calm the disease, at best, there are still many more tests and studies that are yet to be discovered that may in fact cure diabetes once and for all.

There have been many ways to help resist and even in some cases prevent the onset of diabetes. However, there is a new study that shows that something as natural as sleep could be the beginning of a great improvement for insulin resistance and even used as a prevention method for the future onset of diabetes.

Lead author Karen Matthews, PhD, of the University Of Pittsburgh Department Of Psychiatry, “High levels of insulin resistance can lead to the development of diabetes. We found that if teens that normally get six hours of sleep per night get one extra hour of sleep, they would improve insulin resistance by 9 percent.”

During the study, the sleep duration and insulin resistance levels of 245 healthy high school students were tracked. They each provided a fasting blood sample and also completed as sleep long while also wearing a wrist actigraph for one week during a whole school year. Sleep duration was based on actigraphy averaging about 6.4 hours through the week. Weekends averaged slightly higher.

The results provided significant evidence that higher insulin resistance came with shorter sleep duration, depending on age, gender, waist circumstance, and body mass index. Matthews states that the study is the only one in, healthy adolescents that shows a relationship between shorter sleep and insulin resistance that is independent upon obesity.

One of the best ways for our bodies to rejuvenate, heal and prevent impending diseases and illnesses is to maintain great sleeping habits. Making sure teens implement one that allows them to get more than 9 hours of sleep a night can be a great way to prevent the onset of diabetes in the future.

Author: Staff Writers

Content published on Diabetic Live is produced by our staff writers and edited/published by Christopher Berry. Christopher is a type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed in 1977 at the age of 3.

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