
Glynase is a pill that is designed for an individual that suffers from type 2 diabetes. Usually patients with this type of disease do not require insulin injections. Instead they can take Glynase tablets, once or twice daily to assist the pancreas in providing enough insulin to keep a person’s blood sugar at safe and healthy levels. Some people with type 2 diabetes require insulin injections with the help of pills as well. This kind of medication can be prescribed in 1.5mg, 3mg as well as 6mg tablets. An individual’s doctor will prescribe the medication according to the patient’s history and lifestyle. No medication should be mixed or taken without a physician’s consent. Taking the wrong medicine can greatly increase the risks of diabetes as well as overall general health.

glynaseGlynase is a pill that is designed for an individual that suffers from type 2 diabetes. Usually patients with this type of disease do not require insulin injections. Instead they can take Glynase tablets, once or twice daily to assist the pancreas in providing enough insulin to keep a person’s blood sugar at safe and healthy levels. Some people with type 2 diabetes require insulin injections with the help of pills as well. This kind of medication can be prescribed in 1.5mg, 3mg as well as 6mg tablets. An individual’s doctor will prescribe the medication according to the patient’s history and lifestyle. No medication should be mixed or taken without a physician’s consent. Taking the wrong medicine can greatly increase the risks of diabetes as well as overall general health.

There is information that everyone needs to be aware of when taking the Glynase medication. An individual’s doctor will explain the procedure according to the patient’s system and lifestyle. Always follow the physician’s advice and directions.

  1. The Glynase tablet should be taken in the morning with food. If an individual is prescribed a twice-a-day regiment, then after the first dose wait 12 hours for the second tablet. This medication needs to be taken at the same time each day so the body can become acquainted with this procedure.
  2. Diet and exercise plays a large part in controlling an individual’s blood sugar level. This with the recommended dose can assist a person in keeping their glucose levels in the correct range. A lifestyle change as this one can also decrease the need for insulin injections in the future.
  3. An individual will need to discuss their medical history as well as other type of medication that are being consumed. It is vital that the physician is well aware of a person’s system and their lifestyle.
  4. The Glynase medication will lower an individual’s blood sugar level. It is important to check this often with a tester. If the blood sugar is lower than it should be, do not take a pill. This could cause diabetic shock or a coma. Instead eat something with high sugar content and wait 30 minutes. Then test again, if the glucose levels are still low, seek medical advice right away.

With any medication, an individual may suffer from side effects. Sometimes they are rare but could appear at anytime. It is vital to discuss this matter in detail with the patient’s doctor to know what to do in case of an emergency. Some side effects are just a bothersome occurrence while other could damage an individual’s overall health.

  1. A person may experience stomach issues. These can be nausea, putting on weight or severe heartburn. Other problems may be present as well. The stomach problems may leave on their own after an individual has been on the treatment for a while. However, if this persists or become worse, seek medical advice immediately.
  2. Jaundice like symptoms, fevers, massive dizziness or higher fatigue problems can be a major alarm. Quick bruising, mood changes or fluctuation and any other problems that is not normal for the patient can be serious. It is vital to contact the person’s doctor right away if these issues are apparent.
  3. When an individual is first prescribed this medication, it is important to communicate to the doctor on any history of allergic reactions. With the Glynase tablets, reactions can be harmful if the individual continues to take the medication. This is a rare occurrence but it can happen in certain patients. Having difficulty breathing, dizziness or a rash that covers a large portion of the body could all be warning signs. Stop taking the medication and visit a medical care provider right away.


The Glyset medication has been designed to assist patients with type 2 diabetes. An individual with this disease cannot produce enough insulin natural to maintain their blood sugar levels. Normally, these individual’s can take pills to help their pancreas release the required amount of insulin. There are instances when an individual with type 2 diabetes will also need to take insulin injections. This depends on how well the medication is working as well as their patient’s lifestyle. Diet and exercise can help control the necessary amount of blood sugar that is found in a person. Along with this type of regiment, the Glyset pill can control the insulin in the system. This medication can be prescribed in 25mg, 50mg as well as 100mg tablets. This is determined by the output of insulin in an individual’s system and a person’s lifestyle. The Glyset pill has a chemical that assists in delaying the digestion in carbohydrates that is consumed. That will in turn lower the glucose levels after the patient eats a meal.

glysetThe Glyset medication has been designed to assist patients with type 2 diabetes. An individual with this disease cannot produce enough insulin natural to maintain their blood sugar levels. Normally, these individual’s can take pills to help their pancreas release the required amount of insulin. There are instances when an individual with type 2 diabetes will also need to take insulin injections. This depends on how well the medication is working as well as their patient’s lifestyle. Diet and exercise can help control the necessary amount of blood sugar that is found in a person. Along with this type of regiment, the Glyset pill can control the insulin in the system. This medication can be prescribed in 25mg, 50mg as well as 100mg tablets. This is determined by the output of insulin in an individual’s system and a person’s lifestyle. The Glyset pill has a chemical that assists in delaying the digestion in carbohydrates that is consumed. That will in turn lower the glucose levels after the patient eats a meal.

The Glyset tablets have had extensive studies completed. These results were fascinating. These studies tested several different groups of people. The groups of individual’s were from inside the United States as well as other countries. They tested placebos as well as the Glyset. This medication proved to lower the blood sugar levels in all the patients dramatically. While the placebos did show signs of reduced glucose, the findings were undesirable. Within a week or two of the tests, patients that took the Glyset tablets increasingly lowered their blood sugar.

When an individual has been given this style of medication they need to follow all the doctors instructions. Any questions or concerns should be addressed before the tablets are taken. There is certain information that a patient will need to know when they obtain the Glyset pills. The physician in charge will explain in detail how to use these tablets safely as well as effectively.

1. An individual will need to consult a nutritionist to begin a successful diet and exercise regiment. Along with this, the Glyset tablets will lower the glucose levels in a person’s system. Usually an individual takes this type of medication 3 times a day. The beginning of breakfast is typically the first pill. A person will need to take the medication around the same times everyday. The mg as well as the amount taken each day is designed around a person’s lifestyle. The doctor will discuss this with the patient and come to a conclusion.

2. Glyset cannot by itself lower the blood sugar levels to alarming rates. However, when it is mixed with other medication an accidental glucose drop may happen. Do not mix this medication with insulin or other pills without a doctor’s approval. It is vital to understand each medication that is being consumed and use caution.

3. A study on pregnancy has not been established. Explain to the doctor that a person may be pregnant or trying to have a baby. They will follow the best course of action on this matter.

4. When a mother nurses the levels of the chemicals from Glyset are fairly low. However, a small percentage still exists. There are not been any cases involving an overdose in the infant through the mother’s milk. Nevertheless, it is not recommended that a mother take the Glyset medication while nursing.

5. Side effects can fairly uncommon but they can happen in certain patients. Most common aliment is stomach issues. A person may have mild discomfort or slight pain sensation. A patient may experience diarrhea. After a couple of weeks on this treatment, these symptoms could disperse. If they do not or become increasingly worse, a doctor’s visit is in order.


Janumet is a type of medication that is prescribed for an individual with the type 2 diabetes condition. This is when the body cannot produce enough natural insulin to keep the glucose levels in a safe range. The blood sugar in a person’s body is elevated when certain carbohydrates or sugars cannot break down to healthy levels. High as well as extremely low glucose levels can have long-term damaging effects on a patient. The Janumet is made up of two forms of medication. These are sitagliptin and metformin. Along with a diet and exercise regiment, the Janumet can assist the pancreas is providing the correct amount of insulin inside an individual’s body.

janumetJanumet is a type of medication that is prescribed for an individual with the type 2 diabetes condition. This is when the body cannot produce enough natural insulin to keep the glucose levels in a safe range. The blood sugar in a person’s body is elevated when certain carbohydrates or sugars cannot break down to healthy levels. High as well as extremely low glucose levels can have long-term damaging effects on a patient. The Janumet is made up of two forms of medication. These are sitagliptin and metformin. Along with a diet and exercise regiment, the Janumet can assist the pancreas is providing the correct amount of insulin inside an individual’s body.

This medication has not been study in patients under 18 years old. It is vital that an individual that has questions or concerns to talk with their doctor’s before taking this pill. It is imperative that this medication is taken with food. An individual will also need to take the Janumet tablets around the same time each day. Missing a dose can happen. If this occurs take it as soon as remembered. Do not under any circumstance take two at the same time.

It is vital to read and follow the physician’s precise instructions. An individual will need to explain to their medical care provider if they are currently taking any other medication, prescribed or over-the-counter as well as any history of allergic reactions. There is certain information that a doctor will discuss with their patients before this medication is taken.

  1. Janumet may react differently with certain types of patients. Before performing dangerous tasks such as driving or operating mechanical tools, know how a person’s system will react to the medication. For the first few days while taking the medication, learn how the system respond to the tablet.
  2. Dizziness may be a warning sign of the medication responding to alcohol or other medications. It is vital to not drink much liquor or none at all when on this medication.
  3. Do not mix diabetes medication or insulin unless directed by a doctor. The Janumet tablets do not act as a lowering agent of blood sugar levels. Instead it assists the body to produce enough insulin on its own. If this medication is mixed with other forms, the glucose levels can drop dramatically.
  4. Lactic acidosis is rare in patients that take this medication. However, it can happen. Stomach issues in the beginning stages of treatment may occur. These could be stomach discomfort, feeling sick or mild discomfort. Those symptoms should dissipate in a few days. If they do not or in a few months of treatment stomach issues arise, contact the medical care provider immediately. This is a sign of lactic acidosis.
  5. An individual that has had kidney problems should discuss this with their doctor. This medication may not be the best solution with this kind of problem.
  6. Side effects can occur in individuals taking Janumet. Even though, this is extremely rare, mostly only slight effects are ever noticed. If an individual has had an allergic reaction to diabetic medication in the past, this should be discussed with the physician. The most common are headaches, mild stomach discomfort, fatigue or feeling sick occurs; it should pass after a few days. If it persists or becomes a worse condition, consult the doctor in charge. The more rare forms of side effects are allergic reaction. These signs are having a hard time breathing, a large rash or chest pains. Other symptoms could be present as well. If anything is happening that may not seem normal or does not go away, seek medical care right away.


The Januvia medication is a once daily solution for type 2 diabetes. An individual that has been diagnosed with type 1, should not take this kind of tablet. With the correct lifestyle change of diet and exercise, this pill can control and maintain safe levels of glucose in the system. It works with the pancreas to provide enough insulin naturally. It enhances the need to digest harmful sugars and carbohydrates in the system quickly and effectively. An individual can safely use the Januvia with other diabetes medication. However, never mix medications without prior consent for an individual’s doctor. Long-term damage can happen if the proper medication is not taken. This medication has not been tested with an insulin treatment.

januviaJanuvia is a once daily solution for type 2 diabetes. An individual that has been diagnosed with type 1, should not take this kind of tablet. With the correct lifestyle change of diet and exercise, this pill can control and maintain safe levels of glucose in the system. It works with the pancreas to provide enough insulin naturally. It enhances the need to digest harmful sugars and carbohydrates in the system quickly and effectively. An individual can safely use the Januvia with other diabetes medication. However, never mix medications without prior consent for an individual’s doctor. Long-term damage can happen if the proper medication is not taken. This medication has not been tested with an insulin treatment.

An individual will discuss with their doctor on the finer points of taking this medication. A medical care provider may lower or up the dose. This depends on the individual’s system requirements as well as lifestyle. With controlled diet and exercise, this pill may be the only medication that is needed. The doctor will decide on the correct treatment for each individual’s case. There is certain information that a person should be aware of when they use the Januvia tablets.

  1. An individual that has had allergic reactions to diabetes medication should talk this over with their doctor. These are fairly rare but can be extremely dangerous.
  2. A person with problems with their kidneys should discuss this matter with their physician. Tests and adjustments to the medication may be need. In more severe cases, Januvia cannot be taken.
  3. When a woman is pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, the doctor should know. However, there are no known effects on an unborn baby when taking Januvia tablets. Nevertheless, this medication can be found in the mother’s milk. This can be harmful to a nursing infant. Consult a doctor on this matter for the best course of action.
  4. This medication does not need to be taken with food. However, it is vital to follow the physician’s instruction to a tee. It is also important to store these tablets in a dry, cool area. Do not refrigerate and keep away from heat and light sources.

An individual may experience mild side effects when taking the Januvia medication. It is important that the medical care provide has all of the patient’s history documentation. Side effects are usually rare; however some mild symptoms may appear. If an individual experiences anything out of the ordinary or symptoms persist, contact a doctor immediately. Most of the side effects are mild. Usually, these symptoms will leave by themselves. Typically, they do not bother an individual enough to stop taking the Januvia medication.

  1. Cold like symptoms can be present in the Januvia medication side effects. This is fairly common. It is important that a person does not take over-the-counter cold medication without first asking their doctor. If this persists longer than a common cold, an individual may wish to seek medical advice.
  2. Infections may occur and cause trouble breathing or a person may wheeze. This is a common problem, however if this becomes worse or lasts for a long period of time, seek medical advice.
  3. Headaches can come and go when taking the Januvia medication. If severe pain is present, seek medical attention right away. The mild headaches can be relieved for certain over-the-counter pills. Ask the doctor in charge on which kind should be consumed.
  4. Stomach problems may occur. However, the conditions are usually light and will go away on their own. If discomfort or severe pain is continuous, seek a physician’s assistance.

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors are a group of Diabetic medicines that help block the enzymes that breakdown particular carbohydrates in the upper area of the small intestine. This group of medicines is sometimes known as “starch blockers.” These medications are taken with the first bite of a meal, as they are perfect for treating postprandial hypoglycemia which is a quick rise in blood sugar after a meal.

Alpha-Glucosidase InhibitorsAlpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors are a group of Diabetic medicines that help block the enzymes that breakdown particular carbohydrates in the upper area of the small intestine. This group of medicines is sometimes known as “starch blockers.” These medications are taken with the first bite of a meal, as they are perfect for treating postprandial hypoglycemia which is a quick rise in blood sugar after a meal.

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors were first made available in the United States in the year 1995. Acarbose (Precose) was the first medication of its class to be approved. In 1999, Miglitol (Glyset) was introduced. These help people who suffer from either Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes.

This class of drugs helps stop immediate breakdown of starches into monosaccharide, or sugars. These would usually be absorbed in the bloodstream rather quickly, with the carbohydrates being absorbed more in the small intestine or close to the colon. When using this medication, it will help slow the absorption which will allow time for the pancreas to produce the right amount of insulin needed for the meal ingested.

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors can be used with other types of medications and interact well. Used alone, Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors will not cause glucose sugar levels to go down, but if they are combined with other medications, there is a possibility of hypoglycemia occurring. Since these medications slow the absorption times, it will also slow down the effects you would normally get by drinking juice or eating a food with sugar when hypoglycemia happens. The best way to make sure you are prepared incase this occurs is by keeping pure glucose in gel or tablets with you.

Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors have side effects that many people may not want to bother with. Since these drugs affect the carbohydrate absorption in the small intestines, it can cause the individual to feel bloated, nauseous, and have gas and diarrhea. These side effects seem to dwindle away with time, but an easier way to avoid them altogether is by starting the doses off small and gradually working up to the most effective strength.

There are not been many studies done that involve children with Type 2 Diabetes taking a drug from this class. The FDA has not approved these for children as of now. Since most of these medications are fine for adults, many Doctors are still prescribing them for children with Diabetes.

The reason Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors are popular is because they have been proven to help people with Type 2 Diabetes who still cannot manage their blood sugar levels even with their diets and exercising. These medications are ideal for people who were just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes with their sugar levels only a little over for Diabetes.

If you are interested in Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors, it might be a great option for you to look into. Talking with your doctor will help you see if it is right for you. You want to make sure it will interact with any other medications you might be taking. Choosing an Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor can help you maintain a good blood sugar level and give you more freedom.


Majority of Diabetes medications are used to assist in producing more insulin for the body. Sometimes a person may need something else depending on the issue, such as pancreas problems. If this is the case, Doctors will tell their patients about Biguanides, which is different from sulfonylureas and meglitinides because it does not help the pancreas in producing more insulin, Biguanides will ignore that organ and focus on another, which is the liver.

biguanidesMajority of Diabetes medications are used to assist in producing more insulin for the body. Sometimes a person may need something else depending on the issue, such as pancreas problems. If this is the case, Doctors will tell their patients about Biguanides, which is different from sulfonylureas and meglitinides because it does not help the pancreas in producing more insulin, Biguanides will ignore that organ and focus on another, which is the liver.

You may be wondering why you might find Biguanides a good option for you. When the liver is doing its normal job, it slows the release of glucose when there is enough insulin in the blood. That is a good indication that there is enough sugar. The problem happens if you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. The liver does not understand that it should slow down the release of glucose. It will continue to release the glucose which in return makes insulin harder to work properly.

Biguanides have many good uses, but the most important is that it will help the liver stop its production of the glucose in the blood. This will mean the insulin demand will be less. Biguanides have a few better positives compared to sulfonylureas and meglitinides because they will not cause hypoglycemia and also will not assist on packing on extra weight. Some people will actually lose weight.

There have been studies done about Biguanides and how well the users do while taking them. They determined that Biguanides are just as effective as sulfonylurea medications when it came to lowering blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes. It also was found to have reduced the risk of complications in people with Diabetes who were overweight. It also did not cause them to gain more pounds. They also determined that Biguanides, specifically Metformin are just as effective and safe for children who have Type 2 Diabetes.

Just like any other medications, there are side effects when taking Biguanides. About one-third of people who use Biguanides develop gastrointestinal problems which can include upset stomach, vomiting, gas, and diarrhea. The person may feel temporarily nauseas and have loss of appetite. Headaches and fatigue can also be symptoms from taking Biguanides. Usually if the person has any of these symptoms they are not for long. It will usually dim after a week or so. A way to avoid the side effects is by taking Biguanides in smaller dosages and eventually getting them larger.

Biguanides are some of the most prescribed medicines, but they are not a good match for everyone. People who drink a lot of alcohol, have kidney or liver disease, are pregnant, are over the age of 80, or have serious asthma or lung disease are not good with Biguanides. The doctor will help the individual find a different option to help with their needs.

Biguanides may be the right option for you. It is best to learn about the different types available and talk with your healthcare provider. You and your Doctor will be able to choose the right Biguanides medication for you.

DPP-4 Inhibitors

Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) Inhibitors are a group of medications that present a new approach for people who suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. The way the DDP-4 Inhibitors work is unlike any other type of glucose-lowering medications. DDP-4 Inhibitors are used for enhancing the incretion system. The incretion system is a body system that naturally lowers blood sugar. If blood sugar is high, incretion works in two ways. One way is by helping the pancreas produce more insulin. When this happens, it will also trigger the liver to produce less glucose.

DPP-4 InhibitorsDipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) Inhibitors are a group of medications that present a new approach for people who suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. The way the DDP-4 Inhibitors work is unlike any other type of glucose-lowering medications. DDP-4 Inhibitors are used for enhancing the incretion system. The incretion system is a body system that naturally lowers blood sugar. If blood sugar is high, incretion works in two ways. One way is by helping the pancreas produce more insulin. When this happens, it will also trigger the liver to produce less glucose.

There are a few different DDP-4 Inhibitors available. One of the popular medications is Januvia. It is the first when it comes to DDP-4 Inhibitors. Januvia is an oral Diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels. It regulates the amounts of sugar your body produces after eating food. Januvia is used for people with Type 2 Diabetes. It is not used for treating Type 1. It can also be used with other Diabetes medicines. Januvia can have side effects such as a runny nose, sore throat, headache, and nausea.

Another type of DPP-4 Inhibitor is Janumet. Janumet contains two other medicines which are Januvia and metformin. Janumet is used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in people who have Type 2 Diabetes. It is an option for individuals whose blood sugar is not controlled well enough and have used Januvia or metformin in the past. It is also used for people who are either already on both Januvia and metformin for different reasons.

Janumet helps is a few ways. One way is by improving the amount of insulin after meals. It also is less likely to cause hypoglycemia. It decreases the amount of sugar produced by the body, and can also help your body handle the insulin it naturally makes.

Janumet is not right for everyone. People who have Type 1 Diabetes will not be able to take it. A person who has kidney problems is also not likely to get this medication.

Galvus is one other type of DPP-4 Inhibitor. Studies done on Galvus have showed that over one year, it reduced the level of sugar in the blood. When taking Galvus it is not likely to cause weight gain, which is a common worry amongst people with Diabetes who are watching their weight. Galvus works by lowering the blood sugar. It targets the cells that have dysfunction and appropriately responds to the sugar in blood.

DDP-4 Inhibitors have an advantage over other medications because they control glucose with stability and cause little rise in A1c levels for long amounts of time. When using other medications, over time the glucose levels will rise again. DPP-4 Inhibitors help to keep levels down for long periods of time.

DDP-4 Inhibitors are a great option for helping someone with Type 2 Diabetes. DDP-4 Inhibitors may not be suitable for everyone. If you are interested in switching to this type of medication, it is best to discuss this with your Doctor. This way you can find the perfect one for you and stay risk-free and healthy in the future.


Meglitinides are commonly used with people who have Type 2 Diabetes. People who have this disease produce less insulin which makes their blood sugar levels hard to control. Meglitinides help the beta cells in the pancreas be stimulated, which results in the body producing more insulin. This helps the person’s body handle sugar glucose better and maintains lower blood glucose levels.

MeglitinidesMeglitinides are commonly used with people who have Type 2 Diabetes. People who have this disease produce less insulin which makes their blood sugar levels hard to control. Meglitinides help the beta cells in the pancreas be stimulated, which results in the body producing more insulin. This helps the person’s body handle sugar glucose better and maintains lower blood glucose levels.

Meglitinides first came on the market in 1997 for the treatment of patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Normally they can be taken two to four times a day with meals. It depends on the individuals eating patterns. Meglitinides can be used with other medicines, or taken alone. The most common Meglitinides are Prandin (repaglinide) and Starlix (nateglinide). Prandin is used in addition to diet and exercise and can be taken along with other Diabetes medications. Starlix works well with patients who do exercise and watch their diet, but isn’t enough. The person’s blood sugar is still high. That is when Starlix becomes a great option to choose from. They can also be used with other medications, but the patient will have to plan with their Doctor to make sure it will be safe.

Meglitinides are similar to Sulfonylureas. The difference is, is that Meglitinides are impatient. They want insulin right away. Another difference is that in Sulfonylureas, they linger throughout your body’s system throughout the day, while Meglitinides quickly rush in and out. Since these Meglitinides act this way, they handle Type 2 Diabetes very well.

Meglitinides are not for everyone, though. Meglitinides helps people whose pancreas still produces at least a small amount of insulin. It does not particularly lower blood sugar. Therefore, it is not an option for insulin and will not work with people who have Type 1 Diabetes. Meglitinides are also not recommended for people who have physical stress from a surgery, infection, or injury. It is also important to remember that Meglitinides are taken with food. So, if you do not eat regularly, you cannot take the Meglitinides without something to eat.

Like with all other medications, Meglitinides have side-effects. The most common effect is low blood sugar, also known as Hypoglycemia. When this happens, the person will feel lightheaded, sweaty, and possibly confused. The best thing to do if this occurs is for the person to eat or drink something with glucose. Juice or milk is two options. If not treated, it could turn into Diabetic coma. If this happens, it is best to get the person emergency help. Some Meglitinides can also cause cardiac problems if used with long-acting insulin. It is also common for there to be a weight gain when using Meglitinides. Other uncommon side-effects that can occur when taking Meglitinides include chest pain, backaches, headaches, vomiting, adnominal issues, joint pains, and tingling skin.

It is important to find information about Meglitinides before you decide to take it. Some Meglitinides can interact with other medications. So before taking them you need to talk with your Doctor and review the other medications you are taking to make sure they will be fine together.


Sulfonylurea is a drug group that was created in 1955. It is used for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Sulfonylureas help beta cells produce more insulin. Unfortunately people with Type 1 Diabetes cannot use Sulfonylureas because it will not work. It also will not work with people who have Type 2 Diabetes, but their beta cells no longer produce insulin. This loss can be found in people who have had Type 2 Diabetes for 6 to 15 years. If the beta cells do produce insulin, Sulfonylureas along with the rapid insulin releasers Prandin and Starlix can stimulate the production.

SulfonylureasSulfonylurea is a drug group that was created in 1955. It is used for people with Type 2 Diabetes. Sulfonylureas help beta cells produce more insulin. Unfortunately people with Type 1 Diabetes cannot use Sulfonylureas because it will not work. It also will not work with people who have Type 2 Diabetes, but their beta cells no longer produce insulin. This loss can be found in people who have had Type 2 Diabetes for 6 to 15 years. If the beta cells do produce insulin, Sulfonylureas along with the rapid insulin releasers Prandin and Starlix can stimulate the production.

The first generation Sulfonylureas include Orinase (tolbutamide), Tolinase (tolazamide), and Diabinese (chlorpropamide). These medicines are good for lowering blood sugar, but have a disappointing problem. They can be dislodged by other medications because they bind to proteins found in blood, which the other medicines also do. If this occurs, they will not have a good affect and cause low blood sugar. It is known that first generation Sulfonylureas is becoming less common because the second generation versions are stronger and have less of a side-effect.

There is also second and third generation Sulfonylureas. The second generation includes Glucotrol, Micronase, Diabeta, and Glynase. The third generation consists of Amaryl. They are ideal for people who use other medications because these will not bind which will less likely cause blood sugar to lower.

Sulfonylureas are the most effective when taking routinely every day. Glyburide and Glipizide are often taken twice a day because they are shorter-acting versions. They are usually taken half before breakfast and half before dinner. Long-lasting versions can be taken once a day instead of twice. Besides helping the production of insulin, Amaryl is also less likely to cause low blood sugars than other Sulfonylureas.

There are side-effects when taking a sulfonylurea. Sulfonylureas can induce Hypoglycemia if the insulin production is too much. If this were to happen it can be treated by a sugary food. If it turns into a hypoglycemic coma, parenteral, glucagon and intravenous dextrose is administered by injecting into the arm or muscle. A good way to prevent this from happening is by finding the lowest dosage possible that will handle your glucose levels correctly.

Just like insulin, Sulfonylureas can cause weight gain. Other side-effects include headaches, and upset stomachs. Second generation Sulfonylureas have a greater chance of weight gain in people who use them, but they do not have much else when it comes to other side-effects. They do happen to cost more money, though. It is also important to know that if you are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant in the future, Sulfonylureas are not used during pregnancy because of the risk of causing birth defects.

The greatest risk when starting a sulfonylurea is having a low blood sugar level. It is important to check your blood sugar levels often especially when exercising, before meals, and other activities. After a month or two of using Sulfonylureas, you will be more knowledgeable on how your body acts with it. Hopefully Sulfonylureas will benefit you and make your life more pleasant.


The Metaglip tablets are designed for an individual that has type 2 diabetes. Along with a structured diet and exercise regiment, these pills can assist in controlling the systems glucose levels. An individual that has been diagnosed with this type of diabetes can produce some insulin from their pancreas. However, some individuals may need insulin injections as well. Never mix medication or add insulin injects without the doctor’s approval. These tablets are taken for those people that do not require insulin injections. The Metaglip tablets are created with two kinds of medicine. These are Glipizide and Metformin. The Metaglip medication was created so an individual would only have to consume one tablet instead of mix the two together. This medication works well to assist the pancreas to produce the correct amount of insulin naturally so injections are not required. The tablets also assist in breaking down the sugar levels that are produced by the liver as well as what is absorbed into the intestines.

metaglipThe Metaglip tablets are designed for an individual that has type 2 diabetes. Along with a structured diet and exercise regiment, these pills can assist in controlling the systems glucose levels. An individual that has been diagnosed with this type of diabetes can produce some insulin from their pancreas. However, some individuals may need insulin injections as well. Never mix medication or add insulin injects without the doctor’s approval. These tablets are taken for those people that do not require insulin injections. The Metaglip tablets are created with two kinds of medicine. These are Glipizide and Metformin. The Metaglip medication was created so an individual would only have to consume one tablet instead of mix the two together. This medication works well to assist the pancreas to produce the correct amount of insulin naturally so injections are not required. The tablets also assist in breaking down the sugar levels that are produced by the liver as well as what is absorbed into the intestines.

Before an individual begins this kind of treatment, there are pieces of information that they need to know. A physician will explain everything that a patient needs to know. Always follow the medical care provider’s instructions. If any questions or concerns are present, address them right away.

  1. An individual should never mix medication. They should also follow the doctor’s prescribed dose. The Metaglip should be taken at a certain time each day. A person’s body needs to get use to this kind of treatment. Always take the medication with food.
  2. Over-the-counter medication may be harmful if a person is also taking Metaglip tablets. If other medication is required, discuss the options with the physician. They may decide to prescribe something different or lower the dose.
  3. Do not drink excessive alcohol when taking this medication. Moderation may be an alright solution. However, alcohol lowers the systems blood sugar levels immensely. Discuss with the medical care provider if liquor can be consumed in moderation.
  4. Other aliments may adversely affect the Metaglip medication. If an individual is at risk for high blood pressure, heart problems or stomach complications, communicate this with the physician. Other medical conditions may be a factor as well; any history of problems should be discussed with the doctor as well.
  5. Pregnancy as well as nursing may be an issue with taking these tablets. If an individual is pregnant or thinking about becoming so, discuss the options with the health care provider.

Side effects are fairly rare but they can show themselves at different times. An individual with a history of adverse effects from medication should be wary when taking the Metaglip tablets. If anything unusual is happening contact a medical care provider right away, serious reacts need to be dealt with immediately.

  1. A rare disorder could be found in patients using the Metaglip medication. This is called lactic acidosis. This is caused when the kidneys or liver is not working properly, too much alcohol is consumed or an individual is taking various other medications as well. The symptoms include but are not limited to major fatigue, dizziness, difficulty in breathing or low blood pressure. If an individual is experiencing any of these symptoms or anything out of the ordinary, seek medical care immediately.
  2. The most common aliments can be flatulence, headaches, nausea or vomiting and stomach problems. These symptoms are fairly common and usually leave on their own after a few days of the treatment. However, if they do persist or become worse with time, contract the physician in charge and explain the concerns.
  3. There are times will an individual may experience more severe symptoms that they will need to receive medical attention for right away. These can include but are not limited to allergic reactions, discomfort in the chest or stomach regions, mood swings or cramps in the muscles. An individual may also experience other symptoms. If anything seems out of the ordinary or harmful, seek a medical professional immediately.