Janumet is a type of medication that is prescribed for an individual with the type 2 diabetes condition. This is when the body cannot produce enough natural insulin to keep the glucose levels in a safe range. The blood sugar in a person’s body is elevated when certain carbohydrates or sugars cannot break down to healthy levels. High as well as extremely low glucose levels can have long-term damaging effects on a patient. The Janumet is made up of two forms of medication. These are sitagliptin and metformin. Along with a diet and exercise regiment, the Janumet can assist the pancreas is providing the correct amount of insulin inside an individual’s body.
This medication has not been study in patients under 18 years old. It is vital that an individual that has questions or concerns to talk with their doctor’s before taking this pill. It is imperative that this medication is taken with food. An individual will also need to take the Janumet tablets around the same time each day. Missing a dose can happen. If this occurs take it as soon as remembered. Do not under any circumstance take two at the same time.
It is vital to read and follow the physician’s precise instructions. An individual will need to explain to their medical care provider if they are currently taking any other medication, prescribed or over-the-counter as well as any history of allergic reactions. There is certain information that a doctor will discuss with their patients before this medication is taken.
- Janumet may react differently with certain types of patients. Before performing dangerous tasks such as driving or operating mechanical tools, know how a person’s system will react to the medication. For the first few days while taking the medication, learn how the system respond to the tablet.
- Dizziness may be a warning sign of the medication responding to alcohol or other medications. It is vital to not drink much liquor or none at all when on this medication.
- Do not mix diabetes medication or insulin unless directed by a doctor. The Janumet tablets do not act as a lowering agent of blood sugar levels. Instead it assists the body to produce enough insulin on its own. If this medication is mixed with other forms, the glucose levels can drop dramatically.
- Lactic acidosis is rare in patients that take this medication. However, it can happen. Stomach issues in the beginning stages of treatment may occur. These could be stomach discomfort, feeling sick or mild discomfort. Those symptoms should dissipate in a few days. If they do not or in a few months of treatment stomach issues arise, contact the medical care provider immediately. This is a sign of lactic acidosis.
- An individual that has had kidney problems should discuss this with their doctor. This medication may not be the best solution with this kind of problem.
- Side effects can occur in individuals taking Janumet. Even though, this is extremely rare, mostly only slight effects are ever noticed. If an individual has had an allergic reaction to diabetic medication in the past, this should be discussed with the physician. The most common are headaches, mild stomach discomfort, fatigue or feeling sick occurs; it should pass after a few days. If it persists or becomes a worse condition, consult the doctor in charge. The more rare forms of side effects are allergic reaction. These signs are having a hard time breathing, a large rash or chest pains. Other symptoms could be present as well. If anything is happening that may not seem normal or does not go away, seek medical care right away.